
Thursday, July 20, 2023

Cancel Culture and what it means to our society!


Cancel Culture and what it means to our society!

Cancel Culture is a means in which a person or group can cancel concerts, events, or even people based on their ideology, politics or just because of something they recently said in public. It could also be used for political reasons such as social or economic means to destroy a person’s character or reputation in order to gain power over others. This is truly bad for a democratic society such as ours.

If a person has a different view on a subject some in society think it’s ok to raise hell to have them completely cancelled such as a political or social view and they get an invite to speak at a college or other location, therefore they should be canceled out and dishonored based on those views. What ever happened to the First Amendment and the freedom of speech and thought? Seems today a person is not allowed to have the ability to think for oneself or have an opinion about a subject matter without being cancelled out. Why are we not cancelling a rapper who sings about raping girls or having sex in the streets while taking coke or heroine then banging cops as they drive by? Why are they not being cancelled based on their disgusting verbiage in no nothing music.

Should you have an opinion about race relations, Feminism, or even a political candidate or any other subject matter, your opinion is not allowed by certain groups, you will be silenced based on the color of your skin or view. Talk about racist attitudes. As a result of this cancel culture and the demarginalization of society, we find that everyone is hurt by such behaviors of discouraging free speech. This is where the phrase woke society now stems from, our cancelled culture. Some say cancel culture is good for society, well it’s not, its removing free speech, free expression of thought and free assembly of society. Without free speech we are nothing and that’s what cancel culture is trying to erase our freedom on every level.

None of us have the right to tell another what they can or cannot say or feel or think, this also means telling someone what they can do with their money, you know that item that stems from working hard. Society is already marginalized so why would we want to marginalize the very people who are already marginalized within our society. Cancel Culture targets those who are already oppressed, and marginalized and makes them even more a stereotypical social set that can’t seem to get ahead in both business and academics.

Cancel culture is a form of a power trip between someone who has money and privilege over someone who doesn’t. It’s a battle of social and economic cultures against one another and causes a further divide between such socioeconomic classes. As we allow this cancel culture to grow even stronger and allow it to enter our mainstream elements of society, certain people gain a sense of righteousness over others. This can hurt not only those around them, but various class groups outside of their group setting. We need to stop allowing certain people to manipulate us into believing that cancel culture is good for society and focus more on individual actions as well as the systemic problems that are affecting us all.

If you can identify with this cancel culture then you need to wake up and ask yourself, why do you feel a certain way on any given subject. Or better yet, how do you know that a person you are targeting is truly in possession in harming others? Then ask yourself if your reaction was realistic and will it further divide the marginalization between ethnic groups further and make the community more dangerous with your behavior and wanting to cancel the cultural divide?

Cancel Culture is absolutely a dangerous weapon used by white supremacists to divide our country even further than it currently is.  Their goal is to using their voice, social media platforms to fight against anything that is for unity and free speech. It’s ok to hold people accountable for their words, action and deeds, but to cancel people or a company just because one small group of people dislike what you are doing or what you said, is no reason to destroy the people who work there’s lives by costing them their jobs and income. Some say that cancel culture allows for people to speak out against social injustice, no it doesn’t. In some cases, it causes riots and violent protests that cause more trouble and economic destruction than intended.

It has been determined over the last few years that Cancel Culture is nothing more than systemic bullying and harassment of people who have nothing better to do with their lives. It can also target people and harass them for malicious reasons rather than to make things change in society. This type of cancel culture not only damages a person’s reputation, but also the community to which they belong. It also is used to cancel open dialogue and discourage a person from speaking or expressing their opinion. This is against having a healthy debate on subjects that need to be addressed.  Especially when targeting someone online through social media aspects that are based on jealousy, vendetta, or simple vigilante justice behavior. Some people will take it further than their counterparts will take it and others will pick up on that behavior and continue the cycle until a person is on the brink of suicide.

Society must curb this cancel culture to the point of never allowing it to continue in the future. It is not only detrimental to our own mental health, the mental health of others but also to our communities and country.

Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, and journalist. business professional, creative artist, and life coach consultant. Ms. Kilbride holds a Master's in Criminology and a BS in Business Management she stepped out of the loop for a while but is now back with a powerful opinion and voice in the direction of this country and our economy. As a life coach, she is available to counsel individuals to enjoy their dreams and a better life. Ms. Kilbride loves to travel, and photograph her surroundings and is also a gourmet cook who loves to garden and preserve food for the winter months.

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