
Thursday, August 17, 2023

Identity Theft is a Serious Problem.


Identity Theft is a Serious Problem.


Social media has become a key tool in law enforcement to not only combat crime, but also create a timeline of criminal activities. By utilizing social media citizens can help law enforcement by keeping an eye out for posts by certain individuals who have committed crimes in our area and alert police should we see nefarious activities. White Collar crime has been what drives me these past ten years while I obtain my Ph.D. in criminology because I’ve had identity theft on my finances which caused havoc in my life, then my friend had her vehicle broken into while she was at a daycare dropping off her kids and her purse was stolen. I chose this topic due to the work I’ve been doing for the last ten years while working with a task force on a volunteer basis to learn how social media can help combat crime and it has paid off in so many cases.

The purpose of this study is to discover the reasoning behind why members of various gangs target white women to steal their identity and destroy their financial future. Is it because they want the money for bling and other items they can’t afford, or is it to fuel their rapper style musical career, or because they’re just out for a fun joy ride to cause havoc? Accordingly, although we will use three articles within our literature review, they will focus on the use of the words white collar crime or identity theft issues rather than the name of certain gangs’ activities because there hasn’t been a study on these gangs as of this writing. Although I personally work with over 3600 law enforcement agencies around the country from local to state to federal law enforcement agencies, education on the local level about the various gangs is needed more and more each day. Over the last ten years I’ve helped educate local law enforcement on the various modus operandi of these gangs and how they work and travel around the country. Accordingly, the purpose of this study will help give a better understanding as to how these gangs work and how they operate from one city to another and how they pick their victims. “This applies particularly in regard to local police response. Much of the evidence in such matters” (Newman and McNally, 2005) at the scene of the crime is overlooked upon inspection. Education about these groups and their crimes is “delivered by various associations and interest groups, sometimes emerging from various congressional hearings and on occasion emerging from federal or state legislation. The sources of information are also rather wide-ranging and vary in type and quality, as noted below. We have made considerable use of the Internet but are cognizant of the dangers of treating some of that information as “factual”. Identity theft as a topic has a major presence on the Internet which is perhaps an indicator of public interest, concern, and entrepreneurial spirit “(Newman & McNally 2005).

Breaking into cars in parking lots to steal a purse that holds charge cards, atm cards, checks and Identifications such as drivers license or even passports can happen within a matter of seconds. Check out this video of one gang that is plaguing the country. (95) FULL VERSION - YouTube.

If you’ve even been a victim of identity theft you understand the reason why I have chosen this subject matter for my dissertation for my Ph.D. Safeguard your purse ladies and don’t leave it in your vehicle while you go for your powerwalk, or go to the gym, or even attend your child’s sports game. No matter what you do to safeguard it in your car, it is not safe, bring it with you or don’t bring it at all. For pity’s sake, don’t leave it in your vehicle under a blanket, a jacket or even in your trunk, because it’s not safe.


Artist and Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, and journalist. business professional, creative artist, and life coach consultant. Ms. Kilbride holds a Master's in Criminology and a BS in Business Management she stepped out of the loop for a while but is now back with a powerful opinion and voice in the direction of this country and our economy. As a life coach, she is available to counsel individuals to enjoy their dreams and a better life. Ms. Kilbride loves to travel, and photograph her surroundings and is also a gourmet cook who loves to garden and preserve food for the winter months.

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