
Thursday, November 30, 2023

Buy Artwork and get Political Appointment


There are so many talented artists across America but not all have the political hook up like Hunter Biden. In fact, he sells his artwork based on who wants political favors from his father or other Democrats holding political office nowadays. As an artist myself, I don’t command prices such as $875,000 to $1.3 Million per painting, I only wish I could. But apparently Hunter’s friends, or should I say friends who want to be his father’s best bud are willing to pay those prices if they can secure a political appointment, such as Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali. Naftali is a California Democratic advisor on the West Coast who hosted several political fundraisers for Candidate Biden and lower-level events which headlined Kamala Harris as the draw in recent years. Naftali is also known for her huge campaign contributions to the Democratic Party. Those contributions never got her a political appointment but buying Hunter’s artwork surely did. In fact, Naftali gained a political appointment to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. Although the position is an unpaid one, this position opened the door for her to gain a spot on the Rand Corporation’s policy board in dealing with Israel. Nice spots huh. The Rand Corps position is a paid position, a very lucrative one too.

The White House claims that they have no knowledge of the private sales of Hunter’s work since he is a private citizen and is allowed to have a private art business. Plus, the White House claims they have no knowledge of who buys his artwork since it’s not required to disclose that like of information to the White House. Talk about a hogwash response when everyone knows that any family member of a White House inhabitant must disclose large sales to the proper authorities within the White House Legal counsel to ensure no bribery situations have occurred. As in this case, it is clear some bribery happened. One would think that such a high-priced sale of art by a member of the President’s family would be a quid pro quo, rather than just a good buy on artwork. Is considered a conflict of interest? One would think that other Artists are better than Hunter is.

Hunter is known to have had influence on a few appointments to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad, such as his business partner Eric Schwerin under Barak Obama in 2015 right after the election. Another appointment was for a friend’s mother to be appointed also.

The White also claims that they learned about the identity of the buyers who bought Hunter’s artwork from the gallery that held the auction. While some question who the mystery buyer was that purchased $875,000 worth of Biden’s artwork, some speculate that it was George Soros.

One must wonder if the best way to get a government job in the future is to buy artwork from Hunter Biden and you’re a shoo-in for any political appointment you want. In all my years working in the political arena in Washington, DC, I’ve never heard of such criminal behavior that undermines the sanctity of our democracy. Talk about buying your position if you have the money to do so. Unfair and unethical to say the least. I’ve known very qualified individuals who belong to certain boards for policy development, yet they are bypassed due to no political affiliation. It’s a shame for sure because they had so much to offer both in knowledge and creativity.


Artist and Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, and journalist. business professional, creative artist, and life coach consultant. Ms. Kilbride holds a master’s in criminology and a BS in Business Management she stepped out of the loop for a while but is now back with a powerful opinion and voice in the direction of this country and our economy. As a life coach, she is available to counsel individuals to enjoy their dreams and a better life. Ms. Kilbride loves to travel and photograph her surroundings and is also a gourmet cook who loves to garden and preserve food for the winter months.

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