
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Law Makers crying for a raise Should learn Economics first.


Law Makers crying for a raise Should learn Economics first.

Recently Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, a representative from New York cried that Congress needs a pay increase because they can’t afford to do their job on such a low pay scale. Let’s look at this issue from a different perspective than what AOC is looking at it. Congress is paid $174,000 per year to do their job; the Office of Revenue and the Office of Management and Budget pay their staff to work in their office. On top of that, the position to which she holds has a benefit package that doesn’t even compare to the real work, in their world, meaning Congress, is paid an outrageous retirement package, Free healthcare, 10 paid holidays, three weeks’ paid vacation and unlimited sick days. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average worker only gets free healthcare if their employer can afford it, which these days doesn’t happen, in addition, the average worker only gets 7 sick days per year if they are lucky, vacation days are only 1 week up to one year and maybe 2 weeks after 1 year. Their retirement plan is not paid for unless they invest wisely, and the stock market doesn’t crash on them before they retire.

When we calculate in the other benefit that the Congressional House and Senate are afforded that the average worker doesn’t get, would be the subsidy that allows them an annuity of $34,000 per year for housing rental, hotel stays, and meals while doing their official work while in the nation’s capital. A total of 217 lawmakers utilized this annuity and guess what they don’t have to produce receipts to get this money paid out to them as reimbursement. Sorry but any employer in the public or even state level must show receipts and justify the expenses being requested, but Congress and Senate don’t have to and the breakdown for this luxury is 113 Democrats, and 104 Republicans claimed this annuity in 2023.  That’s right folks, lawmakers spent over 1.4 million in taxpayer dollars to subsidize lodging and food while representing you In Washington, DC.  This annuity is a fiscal pay raise that was authorized by the 117th Congress. Slipped into a bill no doubt. Isn’t that a nice bonus, get a salary plus housing and food chit that throws your base salary up to $208.000 per year oh and only $174,000 is taxable. Nice huh. If AOC can’t live on that then she really needs to go back to bartending and then to college, because apparently, she has a degree in Economics? I think she was sleeping in class because she had no knowledge of figures or finance.

My Friend, John Penman, a former soldier, has a good idea for AOC and her fiscal crying baby friends, he suggests that members of Congress should contract with Residence Inn or another hotel in the area for a nice Suite for every member that needs it. If the member doesn’t want to live there, then they can find their own lodging at their own expense. For the Senate, each state should provide a nice three-bedroom house with a dining room (they are in office for 6 years after all). They the Senator doesn’t’ want to live there, then the state can rent it out at fair market value on a year-to-year basis.  While her constituents flounder financially, AOC lives in a building in DC that sports a Rooftop Pool and an Indoor Golf Simulator. She’s living high on the hog for sure. Sounds like she’s living in the swanky Collective in Southeast DC. Good choice AOC nice digs. Why don’t you move to a more affordable location, or better yet have your boyfriend pay half the rent so it will allow you to buy food on your own and not have to use the $34,000 annuity.

Artist and Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, and journalist. business professional, creative artist, and life coach consultant. Ms. Kilbride holds a master’s in criminology and a BS in Business Management she stepped out of the loop for a while but is now back with a powerful opinion and voice in the direction of this country and our economy. As a life coach, she is available to counsel individuals to enjoy their dreams and a better life. Ms. Kilbride loves to travel and photograph her surroundings and is also a gourmet cook who loves to garden and preserve food for the winter months.

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