
Thursday, September 07, 2023

Is the Supreme Court stepping outside its boundaries on cases and accepting gifts or bribes?


Is the Supreme Court stepping outside its boundaries on cases and accepting gifts or bribes?

This past year has shown that cases of a political nature have shown up at the Supreme Court for a ruling that produced case precedence that can be used in lower courts. One has to wonder if these cases are being brought forward based on political ideology so that case precedence can be secured, or if the decisions handed down are done so by justices who have stepped of their legal boundaries to produce said decisions? For example, the case of all the LGBTQ+ cases being brought forward about refusal of services by wedding cake bakers, wedding website designers, and florists who have refused services based on religious beliefs. Each case was either shot down or in one case upheld as a creative style based on First Amendment rights of free speech because it involved creativity, while the other cases resulted in the businesses having to pay out large sums of money to those who brought the lawsuit against them.  These cases are nothing more than someone getting their feelings hurt because they didn’t get their way with a merchant. So go find another merchant who does the same thing and get over it. Gees, there are so many Gay merchants that do websites, produce baking products and who make amazing floral displays why not use one of them? Common sense would suggest that you contact one of them and keep the money within your own community instead of causing all the drama? The lawsuits having to be paid out, are costing American business owners their livelihood that helped support their families, and for what? So, someone could have a cake made or a floral arrangement made. Not only is the American judicial system being raped and used by special interest groups, but the Supreme Court is also being used by these same groups to hijack the legal system for their own personal gain. One must wonder if the justices have encouraged this type of behavior based on their own personal political ideology since it seems like these cases for special interest groups are all far left-leaning cases?

Then we have justices who have accepted gifts of designer clothes and merchandise to thank them for their support or for doing an interview for some television show or magazine from some celebrity. Not only is this type of benefit unethical, but it is also unprofessional. Any justice receiving or accepting such gifts or perks should immediately be brought up on ethics charges. There is no problem with a justice who wrote a book and who receives royalties for that work, nor is there a problem with any justice receiving a paycheck or salary for law school classes they teach, but anything else is questionable. If a justice doesn’t have a legal purpose for the funds they receive as stated above, then they should be investigated because the money could be considered a bribe for favorable decisions based on upcoming cases before the Supreme Court. It is time that we as Americans begin to question the decisions our lawmakers on all levels, along with elected officials are making that result in our freedoms being placed in question. Especially when it comes to the laws of this land.


Artist and Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, and journalist. business professional, creative artist, and life coach consultant. Ms. Kilbride holds a Master's in Criminology and a BS in Business Management she stepped out of the loop for a while but is now back with a powerful opinion and voice in the direction of this country and our economy. As a life coach, she is available to counsel individuals to enjoy their dreams and a better life. Ms. Kilbride loves to travel, and photograph her surroundings and is also a gourmet cook who loves to garden and preserve food for the winter months.

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