
Thursday, December 14, 2023

Vaccine or Else, back fired.


A few months ago, the Pentagon decided that anyone in uniform who refused the vaccine for Covid should be discharged and that number was pretty high. Think about all the money that went into training those warriors of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and even the Air Force which was lost due to some bureaucrat at the Pentagon who believed the hype over COVID-19 vaccine shots that we all know now was useless. With the amount deployed overseas this past year due to conflicts in many different countries, the military is scrambling to find new warriors since this Administration has caused a serious decline in recruiting for all branches. 

With no new recruits, the remaining warriors are tired, withdrawn, and utterly fed up with the system, and the senior brass who don’t give a crap about their warriors, only their own careers.

What I find funny is that the Army has decided in their ultimate wisdom to go back to those to whom they threw out and discharged due to rejecting the COVID Vaccine due to the mandates handed down, only to find that those individuals have moved on with their lives. I don’t blame any of them for refusing to come back into the Army where they were disrespected and wanted to be used as guinea pigs for a vaccine that hadn’t even been cleared by the medical community under proper protocols.

This kind of recall is strictly because the Army recruiting challenges have caused serious readiness problems under the current conflict situations. Too bad the Army and the Pentagon didn’t think ahead and realize this was going to happen when they began their rant and discriminating practices of forcing trained warriors out of the military over a flu shot. But again this has been a major problem within the halls of the Pentagon for many years, never thinking ahead, instead creating a kneejerk reaction to a problem that really isn’t a problem. Yet the real problems about morale and welfare are overlooked or rejected because they don’t fit the mandate set forth by an administration that is hell-bent on destroying our country instead of safeguarding and properly defending it.

I lobbied for the military for many years on Capital Hill in Washington, DC and I can say with knowledge that the Department of Defense can’t fix itself much less fix the branches under their umbrella. Some officers are more interested in their next promotion than in helping their current soldiers, oh wait they aren’t in command of any unit; therefore, they loan their loyalty to the administration and those who are showing signs of an un-American agenda and ideology.

A case in point would be to look at the senior brass of our military who seem not to be able to find their way out of a paper bag, much less out of a war zone with a successful battle plan under their belt. No wonder Senator Tuberville was halting the promotions
of so many military officers. Was it because he saw that they weren’t performing the way they should be and, therefore, didn’t deserve a promotion? So I ask you why would any of the discharged warriors want to return and serve under such disgraceful so-called leaders who tried to force them out, sorry, and mandate them to take a vaccine that has now been proven to be ineffective in fighting the FLU? I surely wouldn’t if I were them.  Hey Army leadership, try treating your soldiers better and maybe your recruiting numbers will increase in the next fiscal year instead of declining more than 25%  as it has in recent years. Maybe you should consider apologizing to those whom you disrespected and forced to obtain the mandated vaccine and take responsibility for any ill effects they may cause due to having to be forced into taking the vaccine. Your actions are considered conduct unbecoming under the UCMJ and considered misconduct. Maybe you should resign or better yet be brought up on criminal charges for your misconduct and misdeeds. You not only lost sight of your duty but also your humanity to accept the version of the mandate without the proper insight into the reality of the actions being forced upon your warriors. You should question certain orders being handed down that don’t seem appropriate for warfighting capabilities or tasks. Do your job damn It and take care of your warriors don’t insult them by sending them a letter “inviting” them back into the military now that you’re lacking in the proper number of recruits to do the job of defending this nation. I never thought I’d say this but, I’m ashamed of all of you for your lack of honor and distinction in wearing the uniform of the United States military.  

Artist and Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, and journalist. business professional, creative artist, and life coach consultant. Ms. Kilbride holds a master’s in criminology and a BS in Business Management she stepped out of the loop for a while but is now back with a powerful opinion and voice in the direction of this country and our economy. As a life coach, she is available to counsel individuals to enjoy their dreams and a better life. Ms. Kilbride loves to travel and photograph her surroundings and is also a gourmet cook who loves to garden and preserve food for the winter months.

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