
Thursday, December 21, 2023

We are losing our moral fiber as a Country.


Over the last few years, I’ve observed more and more people looking as though they are clueless as to what is happening on the political front in this country. Not only are they clueless, but they also seem to not want to bother to learn what is happening around them. The erosion of the moral fiber of this country began right after 9/11/2011. This was when I began to notice something interesting while I was traveling for business and as I looked at my fellow travelers, I noticed that no one was smiling at all, well except a few children excited to be going somewhere special. Outside of those children, no adult was happy or even smiling. Yet everyone seemed to be complaining about something. Complaining about flights being late, hectic security lines, long lines at concession stands, and the lack of seating in the waiting areas. Talk about negative attitudes.

Then we come to today where we have Americans who once cared not caring to consider the direction of this country and how it’s being run by our current administration and other elected officials in Washington, DC. Talk about a serious lack of moral fiber in the citizenry of America. We’ve got kids running amuck claiming to be something they’re not, boy vs. girl, vs. tree, etc. You’ve got elected officials lying about their stand on issues, well that’s nothing new right? Then we’ve got judges forgetting what they learned in law school and handing down verdicts that are politically motivated instead of based on case law. We’ve got nominees who don’t know what New York Times vs. Sullivan case law is about. These same individuals don’t know what a Stay or an injunction order is in any lawsuit or case. These same individuals don’t know what the dormant commerce clause means, nor do they know what Articles 2 and 5 under the Constitution were when asked, two very powerful Articles in the Constitution, yet judges who went to law school couldn’t say what they were even though it’s taught in the first year of law school. They should have known what they were based on their Civics classes in high school, but apparently, they weren’t paying attention in either class. What floored me listening to the nominee answering Senator’s questions, one in particular hit me hard and puzzled me that this nominee spent 12 years as an assistant attorney general and 9 years on the bench yet couldn’t answer the question as to what purposivism is? Her reply was to spout off her history in the legal field and said that she had never been asked that question before. Well Judge it means “approach to statutory and constitutional interpretation under which common law courts interpret an enactment (a statute, part of a statute, or a clause of a constitution) within the context of the law's purpose.” But then again if you were a real judge who knew the law and understood the law as it stands instead of making it up based on your political ideology or what you’re told to make it to be, you’d have known the true definition of the word. Another question that went unanswered because the so-called experience judge couldn’t explain what the Brady Motion was, again this is first-year law school learned stuff. Hey, judge it means, a pretrial discovery rule that was established by the United States Supreme Court in Brady v. Maryland (1963). “The rule requires that the prosecution must turn over all exculpatory evidence to the defendant in a criminal case. Exculpatory evidence is evidence that might exonerate the defendant.” But then again as a judge, you’d never have come across any case before you that might call for exculpatory evidence, right? These nominees are a joke and of course, the Senate voted for the worst one of all to be accepted as a federal judge not because she is the brightest bulb in the box but because she is a woman and a former judge before an Indian tribunal, no because she was the best candidate. What is wrong with these Senators voting in the worst of the barrel that the President can bring forward as a nominee for a federal judgeship.

Oh, then we have the Satan cult being brought into schools to teach an after-school special program and parents are allowing this crap as accepting the vaccine. Parents need to start removing their kids from public school and start homeschooling them immediately. That is one way of letting your state and federal officials know you’re fed up with their trying to indoctrinate your kids by hitting them in the purse strings. You see, every child in the school system affords your state and board of education federal and state funding so by homeschooling your kids, you take away that funding from them and once they start to lose thousands of dollars a year, they’ll start to get the picture that the electorate is fed up with their ideologies and agenda. Don’t let the local authorities try and snowjob you into believing that you can’t do it, because you can and should.

Let’s not forget the amount of hate, despair, and anxiety people are feeling these days. One must wonder what is causing it. Well, I’ve come to realize it’s the social media aspect of our daily life that is the cause of most of it. We no longer interact with human beings in person anymore. Then we have information overload that doesn’t make sense at times because we can’t find true data, news, or information in general to allow us to decide which way to think or act. Then we have the economic woes and the insecurity that those economic woes cause us to be afraid or suspicious of everything around us. This and all the above causes depression and serious anxieties that ultimately cause a person to seek suicide to rid themselves of their troubles.

It is the morals of this country that are also causing this despair within our culture, not to mention the uncertainty of the future based on incompetent leadership across all levels of our government from the local level to the federal level. But what can we do about it you might ask, well become better informed and involved in your community and the national level. Don’t just say I can’t do anything about it, I’m not political. Well get political and start to raise your voices and demand a better representation of your voice at all levels of government. If you don’t start to mend this country’s moral fiber, you might as well dig a hole and bury yourself in your backyard. Because soon there won’t be a country for you to care about.  

Artist and Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, and journalist. business professional, creative artist, and life coach consultant. Ms. Kilbride holds a master’s in criminology and a BS in Business Management she stepped out of the loop for a while but is now back with a powerful opinion and voice in the direction of this country and our economy. As a life coach, she is available to counsel individuals to enjoy their dreams and a better life. Ms. Kilbride loves to travel and photograph her surroundings and is also a gourmet cook who loves to garden and preserve food for the winter months.



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