Throughout history, the game of chess was originally designed as a strategy game of war. Originally found in Persia where the pieces were played as if an army was at war. The concept of the game is played like a battle on the battlefield - one army trying to gain dominance over their opponent’s army.
Originally, each piece represented a specific member of the military – King represented the General, Queen represented his wife and someone who needed protection. Bishop represented spiritual advisor, Knight (or Trojan horse) represent the warriors who followed the orders of the General, while the Rook symbolized the chariot of olden days and the pawn represented the common people who were expendable or collateral damage in a battle. It wasn’t until the game became popular in royal courts throughout Europe, the pieces changed to depict a courtly theme, but the strategy is still the same – war.
In researching Pablo Picasso’s artwork and his connection to the Communist Party during World War II and throughout his lifetime until his death in 1973; one piece of art stuck out like a sore thumb – The Chicago Picasso. Although he was commissioned to create this piece, by the City of Chicago, upon its completion, he refused to be paid; instead he donated it to the people of Chicago in 1967. Why would any artist refuse to be paid for his artwork you might ask yourself? Could it be because they relished having a piece of their art displayed before the public in the middle of a town? Could it be because they didn’t need the money? Could it be the artist was making a statement and those who accepted it never understood the true meaning of the sculpture? You got it!
Pable Picasso was known for his Communist propaganda messages in his artwork. After all, Picasso was the master of disguise in his work. He was also anti-American for a number of reasons. First was because he was a member of the French Communist Party since 1944 and became a celebrity among the party members. He was often called upon to create unusual pieces that also held special propaganda messages meant only for the person to whom the piece was sent too. The second reason, America helped thwarted the Communists in World War II. Last but not least and the most important reason of all, his ties to the Communist party in Soviet Russia and it was because of this connection that in 1950 he was denied access to the United States with a delegation who wanted to attend the Peace Conference in Washington, D.C. Therefore, his hatred for America became widely known and the Chicago Picasso was his way of making sure America knew he hated them with a passion. The Chicago Picasso is without a doubt his defining work for the Communist Party and one of his final propaganda pieces without exception.
To anyone who strolls down the streets of downtown Chicago and comes upon the Chicago Picasso, their first impressions are to marvel at the craftsmanship, the artistry and the magnitude of its size. What they don’t see is the symbolism of the statue itself. Within this one statue lays the artists pure hatred for America and all it holds dear. It is a true masterpiece by man who felt Communism would win out in the war against freedom. Look closely at this statue for it is the symbolism within this fifty foot sculpture that is the true message – a Trojan horse better known in the game of chess as a knight’s dominance over a pawn. Remember his life’s work was games of strategy in helping the Communist party achieve their goal of world dominance through propaganda. When you relate the game of chess, a strategic game of dominance over your opponent, you can plainly see the Trojan horse, or knight, a chess piece known as the warrior dominating over its pawn - the common people.
Now if you factor in Picasso’s love of mythology, religion and history then look at this piece a little differently;, you will see within the cut out of the back piece, it appears to be shoulders and a head. What you don’t see, unless you look at the statue from the right lower angle, where you see the wings are pointing downward, but in the center cut out is the symbol of one large ax head pointing downward. In ancient mythology the ax head pointing downward is the symbol for the Angel of Destruction or the Goddess of Death and Destruction. The ax head is also the symbol of a midevil execution by ax. The multiple rods holding the piece together are in a circular fashion and at the angle downward, this represent the symbol of arrows or darts. In contrast to the American eagle on the great seal wherein the arrows are pointing upward.
In order for my readers to understand the reference to the Angel of Destruction, you must understand Norse Mythology and Valkyria. The ancient symbols found in this statue can be clearly understood when we look into what Valkyria symbolism truly means – horse, wings, axes, arrows or darts. The mythological understanding of Valkyria is know as the chooser of the slain or decider of who will die in battle. As a Communisit, was Picasso telling the American people in this one statute is very clear – we will destroy you. If you still don’t understand the power of Valkyria, go rent Apocalypse Now (1979) or listen to the power and intensity of Wagner’s movement, “Ride of the Valkyria” which was played during the helicopter attack in the movie. Wagner's Ride of the Valkyria
So the question remains, why did he donate the piece rather than accept his rightful fee? Could Picasso have used the people of Chicago as his unwilling Pawns in his strategic propaganda game to ensure they accepted the world renowned artist’s work?
Picasso truly "locked and loaded" that symbolic Trojan Horse as his way of telling the American people they would one day be dominated by the Communist Party. Is his dream coming true?
NEXT IN SERIES: Picasso – The Art of War" Part 2: A Dove of Peace or Revenge
"Picasso - The Art of War" is a series written & copyrighted to Author Elizabeth Kilbride 2011
All info rmation contained within this series will be used in a book entitled “Picasso – The Art of War” all rights reserved and copyrighted to Elizabeth Kilbride. Permission is not granted to anyone for the copying or distribution of this info rmation in print or media without the express permission of the author. This copyright is under both U.S.A and International Copyright Laws.
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