
Thursday, April 21, 2011

"Picasso – The Art of War" Part 3: Army of Dove's

After being denied access to the United States in 1950, due to his involvement in the Communist Party in France and strong connections to the party in the Soviet Union; Picasso stepped up his efforts for the cause by redesigning, once again, his Dove of Peace. The drawing above shows his Dove of Peace surrounded by colorful flowers –these flowers represent the children of the world.

By early 1950, the Communist Party in Europe were low on followers because of World War II, therefore, they needed a new army to help them combat freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness spreading around the globe. Master manipulator Picasso together with others within the Communist Party devised a new plan - they needed a new Army; a young, impressionable army that could be molded and manipulated into doing their bidding for a new future of the Communist Party. They needed an Army of Dove’s but how would they achieve their goals? They decided to use the International Peace Movement and other organizations with the same objective to build a new Army of Dove’s.

The Soviet Union being the strongest of Communist countries together with members of the Communist Party in China, Vietnam, Korea and other countries around the world, banned together to collectively create their new Army of supporters. Picasso of course being a strong supporter of the Communist Party loaned his name to the cause and was once again invited to be a part of the new Peace Movement to ensure his efforts were carried out precisely as planned.

Although their Cold War Activities weren’t a sure thing, the Soviet Union had to ensure they would be successful. With the help of some powerful businessmen in America who they already had duped and were controlling, they began funneling money through them to the right philanthropy organizations who were already involved in the so called movement to prevent war. By using these noted and worthy causes, they were able to begin to control how the movement’s activities could benefit them and their Cold War Activities. These same businessmen helped them gain control over political campaigns in America and throughout the world.

This was confirmed in the autobiography of Russian foreign military intelligence directorate (GRU) defector Stanislav Lunev called “The GRU and the KGB.” Although Lunev never revealed the names of those involved, he did confirmed funding was funneled into the United States for anti-war and peace movement activities during the Korean and Vietnam War. In his book he stated that over 1 billion dollars was strategically funneled throughout America to help undermined the American people in supporting their cause during both wars. This funding wasn’t just for anti-war and peace movement activities; they were calculating and manipulative in helping to brainwash and undermine how the American youth perceived their activities. Money wasn’t the only thing smuggled into the countries they targeted, so was mind altering drugs.

Mind altering drugs such as the use of marijuana, hashish, peyote, cocaine, heroine and other mind alter drugs were smuggled into America and freely dispensed to American youth. One has to wonder what American pharmaceutical groups profited from these lies and deception. Who in the US could have profited the most from such an attack on American youth? Which high priced businessmen were involved in the pharmacy companies during the fifties and sixties who were in line with the Russians to have helped them – knowingly or unknowingly perpetuate the issuance of such drugs? You’ll have to be the one to research that objective.

Once the drugging of American youth objective was underway, they turned their efforts to Phase two of their plan; reeducating the country. Through the help of their operatives within the academia world, set in motion back during the Wilson Administration, they carefully selected certain groups who could easily be persuaded. Under the cloak of wanting to help academia better educate their students, they set out to fund non-military, anti-war peace conferences and youth conferences; all directed at a campaign to create an illusion of education to defund and downsize the American military. With the help of their already corrupt business leaders, they stepped up their plan by recruiting politicians with larger campaign donations. These activities weren’t just restricted to America; they were spread throughout the world.

Another group infiltrated was the woman’s movement throughout America. This was a cleverly orchestrated plan of attack. These groups helped to undermine the sanctity of the very foundation of family life. Through various women’s organizations, they were able to brainwash the mothers of our youth and reshape the way America prospered and grew. It was through these organizations and the women who were behind them they were able to obtain legal precedence with Roe vs. Wade. As a result, an increase of funding through Planned Parenthood and other groups who were hell bent on destroying America from within was underway.

As a result of his contribution with cloaked calculating deception, Picasso, the master manipulator of the Communist Party, gained the nickname “The Father of Peace” and was awarded for his efforts by receiving the International Lenin Peace Prize in 1962. It is widely known throughout the world just how much Moscow used Picasso’s reputation and his ability of hiding messages within his work for propaganda purposes. Although they gave him praise and accolades on the surface, in private they despised the man personally and dismissed his works as self-indulgent. His work was never shown throughout Russia, yet they gave him the honor of a postage stamp to help promote their cause and gain the support of his followers.

What was the end result of Picasso’s efforts overall? In reality he helped create a drug induced youth who walked around with his Dove of Peace plastered to their chest, their backs and their asses for the world to see during the 60’s. This achievement showed just how successful the Communist Party had become. Picasso’s Dove of Treachery and Revenge plan worked – he created a new Army of Dove’s to carry out the work of the Communist Party. Each individual who participated in these peace demonstrations in the streets of America were used, duped and spoon fed information they had no understanding about, all in the cause of the Communist Party effort to destroy America from within.

Today, the majority of those who participated in the peace and anti-war movement throughout America, during the fifties and sixties, are now the professors teaching in our colleges. Each of them is gladly teaching their wisdom to the youth of today. Karl Marx was correct, capture the mind of youth and you can control the country. With Picasso's Dove of Peace, he surely helped capture the minds of our youth during the 50's and 60's. Together Picasso and the Communist Party helped brainwash those within the peace movement around the world to do their bidding – a new type of warrior in their great game of chess or should I say strategy to defeat their opponent – The United States of America.

Next: "Picasso - The Art of War" Part 4: Picasso's Secret Diary

"Picasso - The Art of War" is a series written & copyrighted to Author Elizabeth Kilbride 2011
All information contained within this series will be used in a book entitled “Picasso – The Art of War” all rights reserved and copyrighted to Elizabeth Kilbride. Permission is not granted to anyone for the copying or distribution of this information in print or media without the express permission of the author. This copyright is under both U.S.A and International Copyright Laws.

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