
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"Picasso - The Art of War" Part 5: Picasso's Hidden Code's and Secrets

Attributed Unknown Picasso Circa 1967 (c) DXK Collection

Throughout history archeologists and scholars have ignored miniature or micro art carved, sketched or painted on various pieces of pottery, shields, swords, statues and parchment they have excavated throughout the world. Those who created these various pieces were telling hidden tales - to leave for someone to find in the future. Rarely if all have any of these pieces ever been studied, deciphered, and understood so that we could possibly understand some histories greatest mysteries.

Unless someone points out the varying layers of symbolism within a piece of art, the average observer would never see them to understand their true meaning. Picasso was the master of hiding hidden messages throughout his work during his career. Only those who understood the codes hidden could read them swiftly.

One has to wonder why Picasso would put so many micro and miniature art messages and symbols into one piece of art such as this one; then again he was a clever or should I say devious artist. Throughout this piece Picasso tells us of his involvement in the Cold War and how he was able to manipulate those around him to do his bidding. We have to remember, he believed no one was as clever has he was or capable of figuring it out for hundreds of years. Is this Picasso’s true trophy piece? His ultimate message to the world that he expected would evolve after a Communist victory – this is what I was able to accomplish right underneath the noses of the foes of communism as the ultimate Warrior Shaman of revenge?

Well, one man has figured out the symbols, the letters and the hidden messages of this cleverly crafted piece of art. His name is David Kenney. Although Kenney’s primary area of research and focus has been with ancient artifacts and militaria with a concentration on Roman legionary, his work also extends to works of art of certain modern masters. In 2004, Kenney began noticing miniature art on various artifacts from the Roman Era, which led to similar discoveries on artifacts from the Paleolithic era and other works clear up until the 1960's. For years, he had been noticing miniature and micro art on artifacts but could not define exactly what they meant; that is until this past decade. “Miniature art appears to be the self expression of one's true beliefs and a connection to the divine; it has been with us for at least 600,000 years, and it all but disappeared by the late 1960's. It appears that over the last 2,000 years it has been most popular with artists, artisans, royalty, the nobility, soldiers, and prostitutes,” he explains.

In 2005, after purchasing this attributed unknown Picasso from a Dutch dealer in Holland, he noticed the varying levels of hidden micro and miniature art. As an artist, sculpture and Cold War Warrior, it was easy for Kenney to see the hidden messages contained within this piece of art. After careful study and examining every centimeter of it, researching the various symbolisms for their meanings, Kenney began to see the story Picasso was clearly hiding and how they connected to various historical events. No wonder the Picasso Family doesn’t want Picasso's work from 1965 – 1967 seen by the world as this may have been the period when Picasso was most active with his reflections on his "gains" as a Cold War Warrior for Communism – this truly is his ultimate trophy piece of corruption, manipulation and calculating Communist behavior around the world.

Before you view the art work, think 1960’s, Cold War, Vietnam War, Peace Movement and Civil Rights movement, then look upon this piece of art, what do you see? Clearly there is a man sitting on a chair? Could this represent Johnson? In the center is a woman with her hand at the man’s throat. Who does that represent? Could it be Olga, Picasso’s girlfriend and love? Maybe it’s a symbolism of the Statue of Liberty. Below the man is a bucket, as if to show he’s about to relieve himself. Within the fold of her right eye (black on white area) is a figure with horns, it is a Shaman Warrior that no doubt is Picasso himself in this fashion. There is micro art picture of Castro on the nose and a hook. A dragon holding what appears to be a paint brush. A baby can be seen on the head of the woman. It appears to be a tarantula near the head along with the letters TT and SS too. Look closely, there’s a canary on the lips. So many symbols and hidden messages it’s hard to keep up right? This was the intent of Picasso, to confuse the person who is viewing this piece of work. It is his arrogance that makes this one piece so important because it’s not only his trophy piece, it’s his personal diary of his life’s work for the communist party.

In tomorrow’s segment I will explain more of what these symbols and letters mean and their connection to possible historical event. If you’d like to view each symbol closely, please visit http://romanofficer.com/Picasso/PicassoPage.htm and read Mr. Kenney’s painstaking research of this Attributed Unknown Picasso work.

Next: "Picasso - The Art of War" Part 6: Picasso's  Legacy of Arrogance

"Picasso - The Art of War" is a series written & copyrighted to Author Elizabeth Kilbride 2011
All information contained within this series will be used in a book entitled “Picasso – The Art of War” all rights reserved and copyrighted to Elizabeth Kilbride. Permission is not granted to anyone for the copying or distribution of this information in print or media without the express permission of the author. This copyright is under both U.S.A and International Copyright Laws.

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