
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

"Picasso - The Art of War" Part 7: Counter Culture & the Vietnam War - The Promised Utopia

Picasso envisioned a world as beautiful as Utopia. Only difference is, his Utopia was in dominating the world for the Communist cause and its evil purpose. This can be easily understood in many ways; not just through their propaganda campaign. Look around you and you’ll see their attempts at destroying America, England and Europe over the last forty years.

Transformation Scene from the movie "Avatar"
In order for my readers to understand what Picasso’s intent was in creating his own Utopia, one must watch the movie “Avatar” because within this movie his dream comes true. This movie is about a warrior shaman (much like Picasso) as he does not himself physically engage, but does so through mystical (shown in the movie as scientific) means. When he turns against his own, it’s because he has identified with and becomes the enemy.

“Avatar” is life imitating art because the man in the wheelchair represents non other than Ron Kovac of the famed movie 4th of July. During the 70’s this decorated Marine joined the ranks of the peace movement and turned his back on his country. He lost his values, his convictions and all he once held dear as a Marine. Brainwashed by the drug induced crowd, he believed the Utopia, Picasso and the Communist Party was trying to achieve was the answer to the future of America.

Marlon Brando's Character Colonel Kurtz,
in Apocalypse Now

Avatar Warrors

This movie shows how easy it is for those sent in to infiltrate the enemy can be turned to their cause. One line in the movie struck a cord because it is being used today, “Winning the Hearts and Minds of the enemy”- does this phrase sound familiar to any of my readers? This is the same thing depicted in Marlin Brando’s character in “Apocalypse Now”. Marlin Brando's character Col Kurtz is in fact leading a rouge force that is ruthlessly attacking the VC and NVA using some of the same methods of the VC and NVA, except even more extreme. As the Special Forces Officer that he is, he leads an indigenous force against the enemies of the US and S VN but as shear indiscriminate barbaric killers, and then refuses to report or accept orders to stand down as to disengage and come in. He is in fact something of an ultimate warrior, but also an insane war criminal that is no longer a soldier. As in “Apocalypse Now”, the turncoat becomes the leader of the enemy, as in mythology with symbolism that depicts the Shaman priest - Mind manipulator over the people.

After World War II, this was the intent of Picasso and his fellow Comrades - regroup, rebuild and reinforce their new army – using their form of arrows, horses, banshees and brut force. When they attack it will be with brut force and they will be ruthless in their destruction, until they have completely dominated America and the world. If you notice in the movie, the “Protectors” are large and fierce, protecting the enemy in the beginning and at the end. This represents those in the corporate world who are protecting those within the Communist Party today.

“Avatar” storyline is a clear and present danger to the free world, if Picasso was alive today; he would call this movie his UTOPIA!

In the Attributed Unknown Picasso art work the woman's right arm has been cut off on purpose. If you were to aquate this woman to the statue of Liberty, the right arm holds the torch of light for freedom. Therefore, the loss of freedom when discussing freedom of speech, one can easily see how the media the very essense of freedom of speech depicted in Benjamen Franklin's own words, "Without Freedom of Thought there can be no such Thing as Wisdom; and no such Thing as Public Liberty, without Freedom of Speech." writing as Silence Dogood, No. 8, July 9, 1722.  Throughout the sixties we witnessed propaganda being carefully inserted into newspapers, radio and television promoting drug induced flower children slurring their words of peace, promise of Shangri-La or Utopia. Lack of understanding throughout the media world, that they had been infiltrated by the Communist or Socialist agenda, produced a viable weapon for the enemy on the ground in Vietnam. Phrases such as "Unwinnable War" uttered by Walter Cronkite,  and a multitude articles that caused more damage to American Miltiary forces such as journalists such as Peter Arnett who wrote "Death of Supply Column 21"that was filled with words of hatred towards those fighting for their lives in the jungles and rice fields of hell. These quotes were used in other publications such as the New Republic, New York Times, and newspapers across the nation that helped destroy the nation and its support for our military in the midst of war.

This movie along with other movies produced  since the 1960's have been an insult to every member of our military forces, who fought bravely and in many instances gave their lives for freedom. Movies such as this and Apocalopyse Now are an insult to Freedom, Liberty and individual rights and prosperity. Is this movie a call to arms to the flower children of the world? You’re damn straight it is and unless we the people stand and fight, they will win in their objective of complete and utter domination of all freedom throughout the world.

For those in Hollywood who grew up during the sixties and was spoon fed information by the Socialist Network system of KGB, GRU infiltrators through the finely tuned and orchestrated peace movement, you have been brainwashed to spread more and more propaganda through your artistic endeavors. As the Chicago Picasso statue clearly showed a pawn being dominated by a Trojan horse; you have clearly proven my theory of the great game played out by Picasso and his fellow Comrades. You’ve been their most ardent pawn of all for the last forty years.

In the current situation throughout America, England and Europe, the Communist Party’s final phase is taking place right before your very eyes - one country at a time. This is their final moment; they’ve been able to overthrow governments with propaganda, violence and terrorism - their own version of the Ride of the Valkyria. They’ve taken over businesses from the top, in order to control and destroy the world’s economy. They’ve planted the seeds of indoctrination whereby forcing everyone to submit to their tactics with fear and control.

Throughout the world they have achieved their goal of taking over countries by corrupting the media with their political correctness. By the way, Political Correctness is a standard throughout the Communist way of life, just look at history where the media was controlled in what they could and couldn’t say. What books they could read and how people interacted with each other. In America, we are seeing the same thing, but this time its not just in our business community, or our media, it’s within our own government – starting with those who got their start in politics from the very city in which Picasso planted his seed of “Hope” for his Utopia – Chicago. This wasn’t a coincidence readers, this was their signal to begin the transformation of the world.

For those countries who believe that interaction with the Muslim world community is a good thing, you should think again before believing they are willing to work with you and your government. The majority of those countries are under a communistic type belief system.

The world needs to wake up and realize they’ve been duped into believing their way of life has changed because of stupid decisions; it has not, it has been planned since the fall of the Communist Party in Germany, 1945. Picasso was only one who was duped into believing their way was the best way for the world. Most people in the art world don’t realize how many of Picasso’s artwork hangs in homes and government buildings throughout China. They too wish for his dream of Utopia, because his dream is their dream. We the people of America are now in debt to China, thanks to those who have lead us into destruction and slavery. Now we must suffer at the threat of their taking over America because of politician’s who have sold themselves to the Communist Party for those campaign donations.

Throughout the educational system around the world, history books are already being rewritten to eliminate certain facts and replace them with a new belief system; whereby giving credit to certain cultures for accomplishments they never earned.

Picasso’s Utopia has begun; I just hope he’s happy from the depths of hell for helping to destroy the free world and all it holds dear.

NEXT: "Picasso - The Art of War" Part 8: Creating a Puppet President - Obama

"Picasso - The Art of War" is a series written & copyrighted to Author Elizabeth Kilbride 2011
All information contained within this series will be used in a book entitled “Picasso – The Art of War” all rights reserved and copyrighted to Elizabeth Kilbride. Permission is not granted to anyone for the copying or distribution of this information in print or media without the express permission of the author. This copyright is under both U.S.A and International Copyright Laws.

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