“Two quite opposite qualities equally bias our minds - habits and novelty.” –Jean de
la Bruyere

advertisements are the most truthful part of a newspaper." - Thomas
One has to wonder why, all of a sudden, journalists have
lost all perspective of their craft. Is it because their editors are driving
them to repeat the same information found in other stations’ reports? Or is it
because they have lost the ability to dissect issues and find the truth for
their viewers? Or have they just become too lazy to do their investigative
journalistic homework? Is it because they've become complacent and so hungry
for work that they have succumbed to the evils within the industry that will
pay anything for a hastily constructed piece merely designed to help them
promote their original mission statement? The actual answer is all of the
We have all seen the evidence of journalists who have lost
their integrity. As we sit down to read the paper, or watch our evening news,
these soul-less journalists who went through the academic mill and graduated
with like minded political ideologies ready to hit the streets looking for that
perfect story end up telling us precisely what the higher-ups want us to hear. Do
today’s social investigators follow the money trail to find who really
benefits? Often, they settle for the money that flows their way while placing
the blinders on themselves and their consumers. How can we detect the
journalists with no integrity? Just Google any issue they're writing about, and
you'll find close to fifty articles with the same content as theirs. If a
writer uses the same information produced from another article, they are
plagiarists with no integrity who have no regard for the other writer. In the
university system, they are chewed up and spit out with an eternal black mark
on their record and character. But in the halls of today’s journalism, they are
celebrated as ‘out-of-the-box thinkers.’ This is what the media claims is true
journalism. To us, it is blatant laziness which is perpetuated by the news
media because they continue to accept shabby work from college graduates
claiming to be journalists. There is nothing new about the news today, it was
all repeated and repackaged from an hour ago.
has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under
the sun. Is there anything of which one can say, ‘Look!
This is something new’? It was here already, long ago;
it was here before our time.”
–King Solomon, Ecclesiastes 1:9-10
Today, we have journalists who would rather see their name
in bold print under the title of their piece as often as they can. They write
short articles with little to no analysis, rather than do the hard research to
uncover the real evidence of danger, corruption, political intrigue, or
criminal activity. Instead of becoming a hero to society, they are complicit in
allowing social ills to thrive without detection or attention. They often
regurgitate the same information found in another writer's article, or they
fail to check their sources altogether. As we pointed out in our last piece, "GuiltDetermined by Robots," a writer for the University of Phoenix online newspaper
didn't do effective research on their chosen subject matter. Instead, the
writer used material sources provided by the very company she was writing
about. That is not journalism, that's propaganda perpetuated by an institution
trying to promote a single company. Our question to the University of Phoenix
is simple: Did you pay this “journalist” to write that piece, or did the money
come directly from iParadigm, LLC to protect their business interest? When
journalists resort to bias reporting, the idyllic utopia of free speech has
just been garroted. This is not only dangerous
to the realm of journalism, it is effectively being promoted into all aspects
of society and discourse through this blemished medium. Does this sound
familiar? It should, because it all boils down to what is taught in college:
regurgitate information, regurgitate opinion, regurgitate thought. Just be sure
not to plagiarize when you regurgitate.
"Franklin is one
of the first American publishers to understand that freedom of the press and
tolerance are part of what it is to be a newspaper editor, and what it is to be
a printer. And part of the genius of America is that we're open in our
discourse." - Walter Issacson
Unfortunately, today's journalists have lost their integrity
as writers. The blame should be shared by the editors and media moguls alike.
Instead of reporting the news, today’s media regurgitates what others have
written. Instead of using real journalists as inspiration, such as John Zenger
and Ben Franklin (1700s); Elijah Lovejoy, Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) and
Nellie Bly (1800s-1900s); Winchell (1940-70), Morrow (1950-70), Woodward &
Bernstein (1970s), Katherine Graham (1938-2001), Tim Russert (1990-2008), and
so many others from the past, they follow the footsteps of media conglomerates
more interested in the ‘quick fix’ than true investigative reporting. They
understand that the ‘quick fix’ of social conjecture will leave the consumer
craving more, knowing there was more implied in the promo than delivered in the
actual piece, yet wholly unaware that today’s media will never satisfy the
consumer’s true hunger for reasoned thought and accurate information.
"One should perform his deeds for the benefit of mankind with
an unbiased approach because bias
gives birth to evil, which creates thousands of obstacles in our path." –Rig Veda
All media is bias, just as all facets of our lives exist
with some stain of bias. But to leave the American consumer ill fed and
malnourished in thought is just as much an affront to freedom as overt tyranny
can be. American media consumers deserve better. It is time that they demand
better. Those attracted to the media world generally assert their benefits to
society. It is time that they live up to the promises of their profession, and stop being Zombies with a pen.
1 comment:
Write on, Betty. Pun intended.
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