
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Pentagon goes Woke for Pride Month


While June used to be the start of summer for students and teachers, along with celebrating the American Flag as Flag Day falls within the month, instead society and a 1% loud group have taken over the month as if they deserved a month to themselves and they call it Pride Month. The flag they hijacked symbolizes the rainbow that once represented rebirth, but instead now stands for the old Baal deity which is a religion that represents humanistic relations and these deviant individuals have prompted our military to bow to their demands of recognition.  The power of our military might have been taken over by individuals who have their own demeaning agenda against America as a whole and all it stands for. The world stage now considered our military no longer powerful, but instead pitiful.  

The American military, once a mighty power against global enemy and threats, now faces a new enemy: a movement promoting sexual disorder. I knew that once Don't Ask, Don't Tell was repealed in 2010, the Department of Defense would be forced to shift their focus to celebrating Pride Month, prioritizing self-indulgence over selfless service. Big mistake for sure. We are now a laughingstock in the eyes of the world.

The Pentagon and all branches of the military now have guidelines on how to promote LGBTQ values, even sending honor guards to kick off pride parades. I find this interesting because, under Title 10, military personnel is not allowed to wear uniforms to political events for fear of being court-martialed out of the military for showing what political organization or candidate they support while in uniform, but now they can open and attend a Pride Event with the full blessings of the high commanders. The American flag that once symbolized battles now waves in a cultural war, siding with those tearing down the nation.

The U.S. military's support for LGBTQ pride events has become a regular occurrence on military bases, funded by taxpayers. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, a former 4-star general in the Army, has made it a tradition to kick off Pride Month celebrations. However, some critics argue that these events may be detracting from the military's primary mission of national defense.

During a recent Pentagon pride celebration, Rear Admiral Mike Brown spoke about the challenges he faced in coming out as gay and how it ultimately allowed him to better serve his country. While some view this as progress towards inclusivity and diversity in the military, others worry about the potential impact on unit cohesion and morale.

The Department of Defense often highlights the contributions of LGBTQ service members to national security, but some question whether the emphasis on sexual orientation detracts from the military's core mission. Majority of Americans don’t give a damn what a person does in the privacy of their own bedroom, so why bring it up in a military setting? Concerns have been raised over the years about the impact of the military's advocacy for the sexual revolution on recruitment and retention rates.

The military's stance on LGBTQ issues varies depending on the specific base and leadership in charge. Fort Leavenworth in Kansas, where the Army's Combined Arms Center headquarters is located, houses various educational institutions such as Army University and the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. This base, known as the Army's intellectual center, tends to lean towards more progressive cultural values compared to bases with combat arms units. The military should always be geared toward readiness and strength to enter battle in the defense of our nation and allies, not weather someone is getting laid or not and by what sexual orientation they prefer.

According to sources within the military there was an incident at Fort Leavenworth, back in 2021 where there was a situation of a supervisor who considered discussing the ethical boundaries between one's Christian faith and supporting transgender ideology as an act of bigotry. This incident highlights the challenges faced by military personnel in navigating personal beliefs and official policies, especially regarding LGBTQ issues. The expectation for officers to comply with directives, even on matters related to sexual progressivism, can create tensions within the ranks. Officers who buck the orders to comply are threatened with their careers due to institutional policies handed down by the Pentagon.

In the past activism within the ranks was frowned upon as it wasn’t consistent with military protocols. However, that has all changed now because we’ve got individuals in uniform who advocate for the left-winged ideological agenda of the White House and the LGBTQ agenda spreading across this nation with full Pentagon support and allocated resources. If any military personnel or military officer advocates for traditional values they are brought up on bigotry charges and face harassment and punitive inquiries by equal opportunity advisors. Talk about a two-faced system of hypocrisy.

On June 2, 2023 the Army released a story about an Army Officer who transitioned from male to female and who said that the transition save her life.  DOD said, “Her journey from battling depression & suicidal thoughts to embracing authenticity inspires us all.” After reading the story, former Air Force Colonel  Rob Maness brought up a good point, “Mental illness is a disqualification for worldwide deployment. Allowing delusional personnel like this anywhere near combat will result in more deaths than would happen otherwise.” This Army officer's journey of coming out and living authentically was portrayed as lifesaving in the Army's official public affairs publication. Despite not meeting Army bodyweight standards, the Army Officer was featured as a symbol of inclusivity, showcasing a departure from the usual emphasis on fitness culture in the military. Another American citizen stated “With his hair on his collar, preaching tolerance & respect, he & the Army Command, together commit egregious harm through their own disrespect of all the Soldiers who work(ed) hard to meet & exceed Army Standards.

While there are claims that transgender military members enhance America's defenses, the Department of Defense has been hesitant to disclose information on the topic, stalling many Freedom of Information Act requests. The process for transgender military members remains shielded from public scrutiny by senior defense officials.

The military's alignment with the sexual liberation movement has created a contentious atmosphere for service members who hold traditional views on morality. The 2023 DOD Pride Celebration saw high-ranking officials like Gil Cisneros and Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt equating dissent with hate and rebellion. Pride events take precedence in the military calendar, overshadowing even Veterans Day and Memorial Day. The abundance of rainbow-themed merchandise on bases reflects this prioritization. The DOD's promotion of diversity is seen as a facade for advancing a cultural agenda that undermines constitutional and natural rights. Veterans who left the military in recent years report feeling fearful of expressing traditional beliefs, citing a breakdown in trust and cohesion within the ranks. The shift towards progressive policies has led to a decline in morale and recruitment, prompting concerns about the erosion of military traditions and values.

Corporate businesses often make decisions to outwardly support pride initiatives as a way to appeal to a wider consumer base and increase profits. This trend is especially prevalent in Western countries, where companies like BMW change their logos during Pride Month. However, some companies, like Bud Light and Target, have faced backlash for their support of pride initiatives, showing that there are risks involved in aligning with these movements.

On the other hand, the Department of Defense (DOD) has been criticized for promoting pride initiatives as a way to appease the cultural elite, despite the potential negative impact on public confidence and recruiting. Many within the DOD may not truly believe in the cause they are promoting, but lack the moral courage to stand up for what they believe in. This raises questions about the integrity of the organization and its leaders, and what other compromises they may be willing to make in the pursuit of social acceptance.

The image of the American soldier as a selfless servant to the nation was cemented through aggressive propaganda efforts during the era of world wars. High public trust ratings over the last three decades made the military an institution to be targeted by progressives in their social crusade. By forcing the military to embrace a left-wing policy agenda, progressive politicians can pitch revolutionary policy changes to the public by saying, “Look, the military believes this is a good thing, so should you.” This was a tactic the Obama Administration seized upon during its move to normalize the LGBTQ agenda across the nation.

If ruling elites are not stopped from misusing the military in this way, it will become the embarrassment and hist6orical destruction of our military in future generations. If the LGBTQ agenda finds a permanent home in the military, we will have a nuclear armed force that views the traditional doctrine of sexual morality as an enemy to the state.

Say goodbye to the pride theme, U.S. military! It's time to focus on what really matters for military readiness. Let's rally behind one flag, the American flag, and salute it proudly.

Elizabeth Kilbride is a Writer and Editor with forty years of experience in writing with 12 of those years in the online content sphere. Author of 5 books and a Graduate with an Associate of Arts from Pheonix University in Business Management, then a degree in Mass Communication and Cyber Analysis from Phoenix University, then on to Walden University for her master’s in criminology with emphasis on Cybercrime and Identity Theft and is currently studying for her Ph.D. degree in Criminology, her work portfolio includes coverage of politics, current affairs, elections, history, and true crime. In her spare time, Elizabeth is also a gourmet cook, life coach, and avid artist, proficient in watercolor, acrylic, pen and ink, Gouache, and pastels. As a political operative having worked on over 300 campaigns during her career, Elizabeth has turned many life events into books and movie scripts while using history to weave interesting storylines. She also runs 6 blogs that range from art to life coaching, to food, to writing, and opinion or history pieces each week. 


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