
Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Today, the world learned of the passing of William F. “Bill” Buckley, Jr, a man who lived a life to the fullest for eighty-two years. To his Son Christopher, my heart and soul is with you as you mourn the loss of your father. He was a great man.

The world knew William F. Buckley, Jr. as the political icon, but he was so much more than just politics. He was a man who loved to go sailing, loved people, loved to read not only the classics but also works of unknowns. He cherished history; not just the history you read in scholarly books, but the history of humanity. I remember him once saying, “in order to understand history, you must first understand people.” He understood people better than anyone I know. He always looked at the behavior of a person; their character, the history, and times that surrounded them in order to formulate an understanding of what made that person who they are in life. He had a way of never attacking a person, personally, but eloquently reminded them of what was right and wrong through his writings.

Unless you truly understood this man, his sense of humor would go right over your head. His wit could make you laugh or cry; depending on your mood. On many occasions, I found myself doing both at something he'd say. His remarks were hilarious and very profound. If only more people could grasp his understanding of the world, it might be a better place to live in for all humanity.

It was not even a year ago that WFB lost the love of his life, his beloved wife Patricia. When I heard the news of Pat's passing in April of 2007, I knew it was only a matter of time before we would lose WFB too. It is comforting to know that she was waiting for him at the golden gates.

All who knew him will miss his wonderful knowledge and personality.

Special Note to Christopher: Knowing your Dad, he is currently holding an Irish court in Heaven as the members of our families greet him. I can see it now WFB and JPK together again, bantering over who is going to win the election this coming year. I can only laugh at the thought of it.

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