America is known for the slogan, “the home of the free, home of the brave.” The Brave warriors are those who uphold the rights of every American by fighting for freedom and liberty. These individuals don’t ask for much, except what was promised. They are individuals who love this country more than life itself. Their fellow Americans, born in America don’t ask for much either. They work, pay taxes, and might even own a home. They plan and squirrel away their hard-earned dollars for their golden years in retirement.
What do you think happens when it is time for the brave to enjoy their freedom? What do you think happens if there is an emergency and they need to call upon one of the various programs, their tax dollars supported all those years? Those very programs are not available to them. Why are they not available you might be wondering; because illegal aliens have taken over the system that was designed to help American’s in their time of need. In today’s society, the “home of the free” only applies to those who were not born within the borders of America it seems.
Pick up your phone and call any local, state or federal agency for assistance in obtaining medical care and you will hear what I hear: Do you speak Spanish? Are you an Illegal Alien? Do you have assets totaling over $2000? Do you own a home? If you answered yes to the last two items, you are out of luck, but if you answered yes to the first two questions, you have just won the Healthcare Lottery... what have you won – all the free healthcare you could want! Yes that’s right, you can get your teeth fixed. You can have an operation for whatever you like. You can even have as many kids as you like and the American Taxpayer will pay your medical bills. However, if you are a natural born citizen of the United States of America, you are out of luck! Well, that’s unless you are willing to sell your home, sell your assets, dispose of all your savings, 401K plans, CD’s and IRA’s. You will then be totally, dependent on the social welfare system in which we live in, and you too can have it all, just like the illegal aliens, who are taking advantage of the many programs your tax dollars pay for. What a deal!
I am appalled at the local, state, and federal levels within our own government who allowed our healthcare system and social program system to be given away to every person who comes to this country illegally. If the Department of Labor can demand all employees fill out an I-9 form to ensure that they are legal residents of the United States of America, why can’t our healthcare system do the same? Why is it that our social programs, i.e. social services, welfare, food stamps and Medicaid and Medicare allow illegal aliens to receive benefits they are not entitled too? If these agencies verified alien status, the federal government could reallocate the money they spend on deportation to the Department of Homeland Security to protect us better, Immigration could fix their failed tracking system on these illegal aliens, and help better fund the Border Agencies to prevent them from coming into this country in the first place. Our programs would save millions of dollars and be able to help Americans when they need assistance.
Since realizing these programs have run amuck, I have begun to notice that only aliens are the ones with the wick checks, welfare cards, and food stamp cards at the grocery store. Turns out in further investigation that many a hospital staff has complained to administrators, about having to turn away American-speaking individuals who were born here for lack of insurance, or financial means, but are required to treat illegal aliens who don’t speak English, nor have insurance or funds to pay for treatment. American’s being denied assistance to medical care in America! What is wrong with this picture?
If I travel to another country and ask for medical assistance, I would be paying for it out of my own pocket. Other countries do not give away medical assistance to people who enter their borders, so why should we give it away. When is our government going to step up and say, enough is enough. Is there anyone else out there, just as fed up, as I am, willing to take a stand and start making noise in this country? I think its time that these bow hunks running for the Presidency start talking about reducing the services to illegal aliens, instead of placating to them for their votes. Votes that don’t even count, since they are not voting citizens! These Candidates need to come up with a plan to help AMERICAN’S who were legally born in this country!
In a country where its citizens work hard to own a home, pay their bills, pay taxes to better their communities, and ask for help, they should not be denied because there are Americans. When our healthcare system is more interested in providing illegal aliens with medical assistance, whereby discriminating against American Citizens, who need the same type of assistance, our society has deteriorated into a society of unbalanced values. “Home of the free, home of the brave” is only if you speak another language. WAKE UP AMERICA!
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