
Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Has there ever been an issue in your hometown, where the local elected officials voted a certain way and it made you madder than hell? Then the opportunity to voice your opinion had come and gone, all because no one told you he or she was taking a stand. Well consider this a personal invitation from me to all of you. If you live in or near the City of Berkeley area, which is located in California’s San Francisco Bay area, then you have no excuse not to be at this event. If you don’t live nearby, then invoke your email list to tell your friends and family who live close by to help our military community this coming Saturday. This is NOT just for bikers - anyone that can wave the flag for our American Hero's is invited.

Objective is to flood the streets of Berkeley in support of the United States Marine Corps having the right, just like every other business in the city, to have an office in the City of Berkeley. There is a Catch though. One I know you will like.

Be a tourist and spend the day in beautiful Berkeley and only pay for parking the entire day! That’s right crowd the streets, take their parking spots, let your voices be heard by the City Council and the citizens of Berkeley and across the Nation, that their treatment of our military will not be tolerated in America. Spend no money in the city of Berkeley unless you absolutely have to. Be sure to gas up, buy your food and drinks, etc, outside of Berkeley before you arrive. That’s right Saturday the 22nd of March should be family day of boycotting Berkeley. Talk about a tourism nightmare where they come to town, but spend no money. Here are the rules as sent by the organizers.

One Rule, Meters must be fed and all laws must be adhered too. If you park in a lot that is for "Customer's only," you must enter a store and by something small, a soda or a bag of chips BUT keep that receipt to present as proof that you are a customer.

Many of the citizens and businesses are fed up with Code Pink’s disruptive, annoying and disrespectful ways. Some will WHISPER they're fed up with the City Council too. Therefore, everyone must be respectful in dealing with the citizenry and businesses, all the while planting the seeds of change in their minds in a positive way. Ask them how they feel about Code Pink and City Council’s behavior over the last few months. No matter what their response is, politely smile and wish them well as they walk away. Be sure to let them know you look forward to seeing them over and over again as this will be a monthly pilgrimage to Berkeley, their quaint little city by the City. Of course, always mention that veterans and patriots are looking for a sincere, public apology from the City Council and Mayor - not a phony one either. Be respectful. We can prevail as long as we don't cause any unnecessary "heartburn." The voting public is the only one who can make a change and it is time that the Military family and Veterans community help educate the masses on what it is to be an American at a time of turmoil. . There's more at stake here than the above - small groups of idiots around the country are trying to cause similar problems as Code Pink and they are citing Berkeley as the example. Cowardly acts of violence are beginning to show through the cracks of our country’s foundation. This must stop now and each of you can help stop it, by showing up on Saturday March 22nd.

I know it is a lot to ask that you sacrifice a Saturday over a holiday weekend, but that’s what this weekend is all about – SACRIFICE. Jesus did it for all of us when he sacrificed himself, lets show him that the citizens of America are not cowards and are willing sacrifice one day of his special weekend to do what is right for those who are sacrificing for all of us – Our Military Forces around the world.

I call upon my friends at Harley Davidson, Rolling Thunder, Hell’s Angels, Nomads, and the Patriot Guards located on the West Coast to rally your people and help these American Veterans have a successful event. Each of your organizations has websites and large lists of members; contact them, sound the trumpets, sound the bugles and alert them to this event’s information. If I don’t hear there was an overwhelming response to this and others requests for attendance, I will know this country has been lost completely. If there is a small turn out, then I know it has all been talk about how dare the City of Berkeley do this to our Marines and our Military. How dare Code Pink stand up and protest our involvement overseas. Let's seee if this has all been just talk at the VFWs, the American Legions and from the people I have received thousands of emails from saying we need to organize rally’s and events to help take back this country from those who are doing their best to destroy it. I for one will never give up on this country and its legacy, the question is WILL YOU!

Currently the organizers need 10 Ride Captains that will double as "Staff" while in town. Staff is not muscle, but point of contact people the police and talk to when needing assistance. They need 5 or 6 people experienced in first aid to be acting Corpsman and Medics. And a half a dozen "multi-tasker’s.” For those available, send email Doug at west@eaglesup.us if you wish to be part of their wining team.

They need HUNDREDS of participants to make this a successful event. schedule 3/22/08

0815 - 0900 Stage at Watergate Market, 2200 Powell St. Emeryville (Watergate Towers) - a guide will be at the Shell Station at 1800 Powell - just off the freeway.
0945-1030 Staggered Departures to Marine Recruiting Office at 64 Shattuck Square.
1000 - 1100 Riders Find Parking. Riders politely inform merchants that City Council must apologize to the Marines and the American People for their Actions.
1200 Assemble at Recruiting Office for rally and Speakers
1245 Lunch: Brown Bag or go get OUTSIDE Berkeley (suggest using the MC rotation idea - bikes 1 & 3, and the 2 & 4). Use afternoon to relax, visit businesses, visit with each other, come by the USMC to say thanks, etc. The time between
1330 - 1430 will also be used for other speakers if there is a need or a desire. For various reasons, we need to keep that flexible for now.
1430 Riders return (if necessary) to Recruiting Office at 64 Shattuck Square 1430 - 1445 Rally, Collect Receipts
1500 Final speakers/presentations
1600 Riders, mount up and depart - carefully - for home, for any diners, or get together. I'm assuming with Sunday being Easter, the bulk of our veterans and Patriots will head out. Those that wish to get together for diner, coffee or a soda, please let Doug know during the morning staging, and he will do what he can to help organize something.

Good Luck to Doug and his amazing Warriors. I pray the right message is delivered to an ungrateful town who’s very existence was saved by the United States Armed Forces. I am with you in spirit.

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