
Tuesday, February 04, 2020

Misuse of Power in question

For the last few months, the world has been overpowered with news about President Trumps’ misconduct in dealing with the Newly Elected President of Ukraine by encouraging him to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter along with the conspiracy that the Ukraine, not Russia was behind the interference during the 2016 Presidential Election here in America. However, the use of misuse of power is not in the hands of the President, but clearing in the hands of Congress, specifically Congresswoman Nany Pelosi (CA-D) and her ilk, Congressman Schiff (CA-D) and Congressman Nadler (NY-D) who have misused their congressional powers by implementing the waste of time and farce behind these proceedings against President Trump. As an independent voter, and someone who has been in the political arena for most of her life, (50 years’ worth of her life) I can attest that the abuse of powers is not at the feet of the President but that of Congresswoman Pelosi, Congressman Schiff and Nadler and it is these three elected officials to whom should be sanctioned and removed from office for their misuse of power that they have been given as elected officials.  

According to the house of Representatives own website states the following:
“The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
— U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 4

As a legal course of review and by following the above section 4 of the Constitution, the President of the United States has not been convicted in a court of law of committing Treason, nor has he accepted a bribe  or paid a bride for anything, in fact, he has given up his salary to various federal Agencies to help them reduce their budgetary requirements. In addition, he has not been convicted of any high crimes or misdemeanors in a court of law, therefore, the bogus charges being brought against him by Congresswoman Pelosi and her party of misfits are absolutely and legally illegal charges claiming abuse of power while in his office as President.
So instead of going after the President of the United States on false charges, how about we go after all Congressional representatives who accept bribes from lobbyists in exchange for favors on votes regarding legislation that would benefit their company or organization. Now that’s truly a bride worthy of impeachment or sanctions don’t you think?

Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, journalist, business professional, and creative artist. Although she has been out of the loop for a while, she is back with a powerful opinion and voice in how this country and the entertainment industry has gone off course. She is determined to bring to light the issues in a clear and opinionated voice.

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