
Wednesday, February 05, 2020

SOTU Review

The more I reviewed the tape from last night's SOTU speech and the Dem Antics in response, the more I would be embarrassed if I was a Dem. Every one of them acted like petulant children who weren't allowed to play with the big kids. And for those who boycotted the SOTU address, those individuals would have had their heads explode at the thought of American values versus Communist behavior being discussed. And those women who wore all white in solidarity with the Sufferage movement anniversary, you disgraced every woman who fought for the suffrage movement when you didn't stand when the President recognized those women who advanced their positions throughout the term of this administration. Not to mention when he spoke about combatting terrorism that is affecting this country and taking care of American's versus taking care of illegal persons who come to this country for free care and support. What most people don't realize is that like it was back in the 60s when Johnson used the African American citizens as pawns believing that the democratic party would gain 3 million new voters, they believe that by allowing illegal citizens to vote they will gain over 5 million potential voters to vote democrat in the next election. The same goes for allowing convicted felons to vote. Little do they know many of us who have been around a while can see the writing on the wall where the Dems want to take their little games and antics.

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