According to my research over the last month, throughout
the United States only 4% of general expenses over the last 40 years has been
spent on policing. In large cities such as Los Angeles which uses 18% (1.86 billion
out of a 10.5-billion-dollar threshold budget) or New York City 6% of the City’s
budget ($5.9-billion out of a $97.8-billion-dollar budget). Let’s get a grip
people, police budget is much lower than say social services budget which is
usually between 8 and 24% of a cities budget because social workers have
student loans to pay off and they get bonuses for kidnapping your children out
of your home without a warrant or legal precedence. And these activists want to
give more authority to social workers who don’t do anything to help the
community at all, yeah give me a break. I say cut the budget on social services
and give that money to the police departments and let them hire more cops to combat
the crime in the cities. Activists are made up of academic driven sociopaths
who write papers that make no sense and companies like Rand Corporation pick up
those papers and rewrite them and present them to the public as pure fact, when
in essence they are dribble nonsense that should never see the light of day or
even allow the public to read because they make no sense whatsoever to reality.
As a student of criminology, I’ve read many a paper
over the course of my career that made absolutely no sense whatsoever when it
comes to policing. Then again, I’ve read a couple that really did make sense
and should be implemented, but I am only one person therefore, I can’t promote
the common-sense style remedy myself. However, to create a stronger community,
I say we allow people to police their own neighborhood, but creating what the
police department created back in the 1970s which was neighborhood watch groups
that police their own neighborhood and root crime out where it starts. If we empower citizens to stand strong against
crime in their neighborhood, they can combat crime before it starts. If parents
would teach their children respect for authority and their elders, maybe they
wouldn’t be so dangerous to both as they get older. Instead of politicians
getting in the way with their stupid ideas and rhetoric during campaign stops
that fire up those who wish to become anarchist against society and their
Throughout my master’s degree program, I was forced to
research and read all sorts of academic papers produced by students and scholars
advocating for justice reform in our jails that promote releasing criminals who
promoted drugs, petty crimes such as theft and non-violent crimes to be let out
of jail because they didn’t really cause anyone to die. I say bullocks, if you
did the crime, you go to jail. No reform available for stupidity. We should bring
back the work houses of old and put petty criminals in there and have them work
their fingers to the bone to repay society for their stupidity.
If we allow the defunding of our police departments,
we will see an increase in victimization and crime which will cause serious
harm in our minority communities which we all know needs more policing and help
than in other communities that can afford private security. We know from
research that a city that has a large number of police on the force have lower
crime rates, because it’s more police per capita that can patrol the city and deter
crime. If we continue to expect our police departments to be responsible for
every ill will in our city such as mental health, social worker issues, school
resources, babysitting city officials, and every other social program advocates
want them to police, we could cut their budget down and allow them to be better
trained not just in law enforcement practices, but also other areas such as acute
traumatic response, social interaction, community building, etc. What we need
to consider here is a realignment of police budgeting to reflect a broader
diversity of funding within the police department. Remember that for every
protest the overtime budget increases which prevents law enforcement from allowing
their staff to attend additional training for say, program-oriented training
that would help with community accountability satisfaction. So you see, you can’t
have it both ways, protests vs allowing the budget to be used as designated in
the budget. Let’s use Washington DC police department for example, each year
they look at the calendar and see that there are protests, military and political
events and other social events on the docket to cover and they allocate
personnel and funding to cover each event, throw in an unexpected protest in
the street, or even a riot and their budget is shot to hell. Right now,
according to my sources, Washington, DC Police Budget is now into using funds
in the 2023 budget because they’ve exhausted the budget for 2021 and 2022. Hell,
they were already into the 2021 budget back in 2019. So you see for every
unseen event or unscheduled event that happens in a large city costs the police
department money, and your tax dollars are then used to supplement their
budget. Tax increases are inevitable.
Bottom line message: Think before you protest and
think before you open your mouth to defund your police department, because you
will eventually have to pay the price in your local and state tax bill. Increase
in taxes causes financial burdens on everyone including YOU!
Author Elizabeth Kilbride is a former political
operative, author, scriptwriter, historian, journalist. business professional,
and creative artist, and life coach consultant. Ms. Kilbride holds a Masters in
Criminology and a BS in Business Management who stepped out of the loop for a while,
but who is now back with a powerful opinion and voice in the direction of this
country and our economy. As a life coach, she is available to counsel
individuals to enjoy their dreams and a better life. Ms. Kilbride loves to
travel, photograph her surroundings and is also a gourmet cook who loves to
garden and preserve food for the winter months.
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