Where the Patriot Act failed to give the United States Government the resources it needed to invade your privacy, and circumvent the United States Constitution, H.R. 1424 - the Emergency Relief Act of 2008 has given them the power to not only undermine the American People, it literally allows them to rape and pillage the United States Constitution of all your rights as an American Citizen.
When Congress failed to pass H.R. 1424 I was relieved because the initial legislation would have caused more harm than good to the citizenry of the United States of America. Unfortunately, one week later, Congress reintroduced a revised Bill and passed H.R. 1424 with a vote of 263 yeas to 171 nays claiming that this one piece of legislation would “provide authority for the Federal Government to purchase and insure certain types of troubled assets for the purposes of providing stability to and preventing disruption in the economy and financial system and protecting taxpayers, and for other purposes.”
I thought the first piece of legislation was bad, but this new legislation has created a more dangerous outlook for the American way of life. After reading H.R. 1424, I immediately thought of Operation Bernhardt (1942) where Hitler implemented a clever scheme to destroy the British economy by flooding it with counterfeit British Pounds in order to topple the British economy. Those who could or would dispute the authenticity of the counterfeited 132 Million British Pounds were placed in concentration camps along with those of the Jewish heritage in and around Germany. While the target nation in 1942 was Britain, today our own government has targeted the United States of America with the Federal Reserves plan to capture our private assets. This legislation was not a bail out scheme to help it was a complete and total take over by one entity, the Federal Reserve. Oh and by the way in case you didn’t know the Federal Reserve is a private entity, it is not under the federal government in any way shape or form. We all know what happened to those who never made it out of those concentration camps. Will we face the same treatment by our own leaders? Hitler would be so proud of our representatives in Congress because they have just succeeded where he failed to topple the one country he despised with a passion – The United States of America.
Think of it this way, if it were the Al-Qaeda and not the Federal Reserve that was the mastermind behind this form of take over, their actions would be considered a deliberate act of war. By targeting the economy for destruction by flagrantly flooding the market with counterfeit currency is, by any measure, a threat to any nation. Therefore, the one major question I pose to my fellow American’s today is this: Why are we allowing the Federal Reserve and our own elected officials to commit these acts of economic warfare and treason, yes treason, against us and the United States of America?
What is the answer? It is simple, a private entity known as the Federal Reserve has declared war with America. There will be no bombs dropped on American cities, there will be no bullets flying towards your person, however, their will be many casualties which will hit you harder than any amount of actual blood shed. The Targets will be your savings accounts, retirement funds, bank accounts, jobs, businesses, pensions and your rights under the Constitution of the United States.
Today, we as American’s face the same faith Hitler implemented on the German and British back in 1942 with this one piece of legislation. It is not a war between countries; it is a war between the wealthy and the working American. CEO’s and big business has taken advantage of Americans since the Gilded Age back in the late 1800’s, and after the stock market crash in the 1920’s; these resulted in a depression never seen before in this country. Yet its about to happen again, this time worse then we have ever seen before.
Now lets break down just a few major problems that were found in this legislation, so you my fellow American’s will understand the seriousness of this problem. This legislation is an insult to your intelligence and your right as an American Citizen. Your elected representatives in Washington, DC, have accomplished what the terrorists could only dream of in a lifetime.
'Section 101 (a)(1) establishes what is termed the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to which substantial portions of what the American people currently owe to their banks and financial institutions is to be turned over the US Government for redistribution to foreign banks.
Section 101(c)(3) Designates for the first time in American history these foreign banks as financial agents of Federal Government with full law enforcement authority over the citizens in the US.
Section 3 (b) allows the US Secretary of the Treasury to put any kind of debt, including credit card, home loans, personal loans, automobile loans, etc., into the TARP program.Section 112 allows the US Secretary of the Treasury to astoundingly extend financing to foreign banks to purchase the debt of the American people.
Section 112 (1)(a) allows the US Government to hold stocks in companies for the first time in their history and which completely destroys the capitalist economy of their Nation.
Section 119 (2)(a) gives the US Secretary of the Treasury dictatorial powers not reviewable by courts making this position the most powerful one in America.
Section 122 increases the US public debt to the incredible amount of $11,315,000,000,000 (Trillion)Section 204 puts the United States under emergency economic rule and states, 'all provisions of this Act are designated as an emergency requirement and necessary to meet emergency needs'.
But, the two most chilling measures put into this new law are titled 'Section 511 'Paul Wellstone and Pete Domenici Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008' and 'TITLE II-SPECIAL PROJECTS ON FEDERAL LAND Section 201'.The new mental health provisions contained in these new laws allows the United States to label dissident citizens as being 'mentally ill', and the 'Special Projects' section allows for the reimbursement to US cities and counties for the building of concentration camps for these mentally ill dissidents. (This provision insults the memory of Paul Wellstone and the accomplishments he and Pete Domenici have done for this country.)
I hope by now you have realized that we are witnessing history in the making: it’s called an economic coup where the money supply is the ammunition to their act of war. But there is more to it than just money, it’s also POWER!
Ladies and gentleman this is not a movie on your television, you can’t turn this off and go about your daily life, this is real and you need to understand it. The United States of America has just turned into a monarchy; the one fear our founding fathers had for our future. Henry Paulson and his accomplices have just taken control of your lives and our future. In this one legislation, our elected officials have just given the power of over fifty percent of the housing market and over thirty percent of the entire U.S. economy to the controlled of one person -- Henry Paulson. He will answer to no one, not even you. He is not elected, he is appointed by the President of the United States, not even Congress or the Senate can remove him from office. He is not going to be bound by the checks and balances of our laws; he can make his own, because the Federal Reserve is a private entity. Are you pissed off yet?
The monarchy of Henry Paulson, who will be known as King Henry now controls unlimited funds. He now has the power to print any amount of money, or confiscate anything from you the taxpayer. He can bail out his friends on Wall Street, the rich elite, when ever he so wishes. The Federal Reserve has accomplished what the Third Reich never could.
When Congress voted to surrender our economy to the Federal Reserve by voting for H.R. 1424 they did two things: the first was to give power to one single man who could, with the stroke of his pen, turn what you hold dear and sacred into worthless digits overnight, the second was to abandon the Constitution of the United States and commit an act of treason against the American People. Without some form of control in place on the distribution of this large amount of money, Paulson is in control. Think about it, Bill Gates is a pauper compared to the Secretary of the Treasury now. Without checks and balances, there is a large opening for corruption. With the Federal Reserve being in charge of the countries assets and one man at the helm, corruption has already reared its ugly head in this battle. With the war over, your bar tab is now being called in, with the stock market plummeting on a daily basis, by Election Day, you might be eating scraps of paper fried in your own motor oil.
Therefore, as we prepare our minds and our hearts to select our next President of the United States of America, along with who will represent us here in Washington, DC, I wanted you all to think long and hard before you cast your vote. Each and every Representative on this list, (the actual voting list for this bill),(http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2008/roll681.xml) who voted YEA should be removed from office this coming November. This is your wake up call to action for America, this is not about political parties, it is about AMERICA. If you vote strictly for a political party, you have become a puppet for one political party. If you call yourself an American, now is the time to stand up and make your voices heard loud and clear - vote your conscience and clean house in Washington, DC. As you vote for our next President, remember to vote for a patriot, not someone who is willing to sell out American’s and side with terrorists. The future of America and the future of your children and grandchildren depend on how you vote in November.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." Thomas Jefferson
Betty, love your diagnosis. Fear not we will prevail! :)
Darneshia sent some of us your piece.
If you are on facebook ask her how to connect with me!!
Hello Betty. I read your blog and want to thank you for the time and effort you put into your work. Your friend,
GOOD BLOG , quite informative
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